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Things You Should Not do in Dubai during your Visit

Things You Should Not do in Dubai during your Visit

It is a common fact that Dubai is a famous tourist place. If you are planning to go on a vacation there, it is good to keep some of the things in mind. This is essential for you to understand that it is with respect to their culture and basic rules and regulations. They care a lot about the locals as well as their tourists and would do anything to make sure they are comfortable and living peacefully.

Things NOT To Do In Dubai

  1. Appropriate Dress Codes

Certain dress codes are not mandatory for tourists, but it is important, with respect to their culture and rules. So, women need to dress modestly that is without revealing clothes in Dubai public. You can wear anything fashionable as long as it is not short that is below knee length, tight, sleeveless, deep neck and revealing clothes. While going for Sheikh Zayed Mosque tour, follow these dress code guidelines.

  1. No Eating in Public During Ramadan

Ramadan is a very holy month for not only the Dubai people but also the whole UAE nation. So in whichever Emirate you are in, remember not to drink, smoke or eat in public. This is because everyone there is fasting and it can be disrespectful to do any of the mentioned things in public. You can eat in your hotel room and at restaurants in your comfort. However, the children and pregnant women can eat while keeping their discretion. You cannot chew a piece of gum in public as well. 

  1. No Cussing, Drinking & Dancing in Public

Unlike in any other country or city, cussing tops a disrespectful thing to the locals. Plus, any cussing or commenting on the Islamic religion will be punishable and can land you behind bars. There are also times when you would like to drink and dance to grooving music at any function or carnival while exploring the city, but they are also not allowed in public. They both are banned and can lead you to paying fines. 

  1. Need To Have Permission for Photographs

We understand how the city can tempt you to click photographs in every spot you walk. But unfortunately, while clicking the pictures in Dubai, you cannot click it until and unless you have gotten the people’s permission. So, be extra careful when clicking pictures around the children and women. It is a better option to live in the moment or ask for consent before clicking the photographs.

  1. Use of Correct Hand Gestures

There are times when tourists tend to hire cars to explore the city at their own pace. At this time, you need to keep in mind that any hand gesture to the other drivers is considered rude, especially when you do it to show any displease. One common adversary is not using the left hand for anything, from eating to greeting anybody. It is better if you keep it in mind, especially if you are left-handed. 

  1. No Staying Together If Not Married

While there are certain hotels in other states that are couple-friendly, it is different in Dubai. If you are here on a group vacation with an opposite gender, then keep in mind that you better book different rooms in the hotels and stay that way all the time. If you’re caught staying together without getting married, there are chances for jail time, fines or deportation. 

  1. No Carrying of Medicines

There are certain lists of medicines that you can bring to Dubai from any other state or country. They are very strict with the anti-drug policy. You can look on the UAE’s official website for a list and carry them according to that. If you break the rule in any form, you will face up to four years in person. 

  1. No PDA

Dubai does not allow Public Display of Affection of any form and is socially unacceptable. In addition, put the music and dancing skills on the back when in public as they are not allowed. Many people have suffered by breaking this rule.

  1. No Cross-Dressing

Dubai has no openness toward homosexuality, even for tourists. If you belong to that group, it is better to avoid cross-dressing there. It can cause you detention and that is definitely not something you want in your vacation.

  1. No Prohibited Items

Apart from the medicines, there are some things that you are not allowed to bring in Dubai. If you are a book reader, make sure that it does not contain any adult content. Another plus is not to bring any Israel-packed products along with the bacon and pork. 

  1. Give Respect

Now that you have gone through all the pointers, there may be some of the things that you question and would not like. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but it is also a rule to not be disrespectful or talk foul about the city’s culture, laws, politics, royal families, other people and many more. Keep them to yourselves and not at all in the public. You can get penalized as a defaulter.


By following these pointers, you can make sure that you spend the perfect vacation in Dubai. While you may have some opinions about the things you should not do in Dubai during your visit, do not let it ruin your holidays. But apart from all these, they welcome tourists with open arms. For any information, feel free to let us know. Now, read the article thoroughly, pack accordingly and have an amazing Dubai trip to all you readers!


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